How To Park Correctly at a Meter?

First make sure you are parked within the meter space.  Envision a line extending out from each meter into the street.  There is twenty feet of space between each meter.  This is the space within which to park.  A safe rule is to keep the meter roughly two  to three feet in front of the front bumper.  Also be sure to feed the correct meter.  See the diagram below for a visual reference.


How Do I Park Correctly at a Meter with Two Heads?

First, envision a line extending out into the street from the meter pole.  There is twenty      feet allocated for each meter.  In the case of a double meter pole the space between the  meter poles is forty feet.  You will have to visualize the midpoint between the meters. If you park with the double meter at the rear of your car feed the meter at your rear  bumper.  A safe rule is to keep the meter pole two or three feet behind your rear bumper. If you park with the double meter at the front of your car feed the meter at your front  bumper.  A safe rule is to keep the meter pole two or three feet in front of your front  bumper.  See the diagram below for a visual reference.


Why did I get a ticket when I fed the meter next to my car???

When parking at a meter your vehicle may only occupy the space for that meter.  It is okay to occupy more than one metered space however, time must be placed on the meters that govern those spaces.  See the  diagram below for a visual reference.  The car is parked in two metered spaces and is responsible  for placing time on the meters indicated by the green check mark.  In this case the vehicle could be  issued a ticket for not placing time on the second meter.
